Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I got wool!
I got wool, and a clean house, and a lot of new dye color ;) Guess how I'm going to spend the rest of the day ;)
Monday, August 29, 2011
I need more wool!
Now I don't have any wool to spin, but I'm waiting for 2 kg of Sethland wool in the mail. So I sit by the window and wait for the postman every day now hehe :) I also got more colors now to dye my wool. This is so much fun! Maby I should use my out of wool time to clean the house ;)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Spinning right now
I love to spin! It is so relaxing and nice to sit down and spin a little bit. I like to listen to some music while I'm spinning and sometimes I will sing out loud. My kids don't like it though hehe :) I haven't had much time to spin lately, my work is getting in the way ;)
This is merino wool. Sometimes it brakes and that is a bit frustrating. But I'm slowly improving. Few days ago I ordered a Sethland wool. I can't wait until it gets here!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Fyrsta og önnur hespan. My first and second skein.
Þetta er fyrsta hespan mín þar sem ég litaði ullina, spann hana og splæsti svo saman. Er afskaplega stolt af þessu verki mínu þó svo þetta sé nú ekki fallegasta hespan.
This is my first skein, dyed, spinned and navajoplyed by myself ;) I will not make anything from it, it is not much and just fun to keep because it is my first skein.
This is my secund skein and it is much better than the first one. I have already started to knit from it and it is so soft and lovely.
Svo er hérna næsta verkefni tilbúið til þess að spinna. Þarna blandaði ég saman bleikum og brúnum og er spennt að vita hvernig það kemur út þegar ég verð búin.
This is my next project. I used pink and brown to dye it and now I cant wait to see how it will turn out ;)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
It started with....
One of my favorite blog that I read is Min inspiration and when I first saw that Mia, the blogs owner, started to spin I knew I would have to try this out :) Well...everyone here home think I'm a little bit weird hehe and maby I am ;)
So I bought some merino wool and put it in a stove with a little bit of dye. I used two kinds of color, pink, and brown. That is so much fun and now I want some more colors.
Spinning :)
Yesterday I bought myself a leuet spinning wheel s 17 and started to spin. My father made a spindle for me few weeks ago and I started to practice but I wanted to do more and finally I got my own spinning wheel. I also dyed a merino wool to spin and this is so much fun :) It is not going veri smooth but I will get there ;) Photos soon ;)
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